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We inform our customers that in last day of 2024 and the first day of 2025 these courses will be suppressed... (continues)

Black Friday returns! Stronger than ever!

On Friday November 29th you'll be able to receive a 50% discount on EVERY purchase on... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that Aerbus service could be subject to delays depending on the traffic changes in Bologna, caused by the intense atmospheric activities of... (continues)

We inform our kind costumers that all SACA summer lines are closed.

From september 16th the following lines are no longer active... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that Linea Mare Gatteo and Linea Mirabilandia, both departing from Modena, will undergo the following changes, depending on causes beyond our control... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that this year Lidi di Comacchio Line will be... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that, due to popular demand, Villaggio della Salute Più line will be active again this year, every friday and saturday from... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that the Modena Linea Mare can also be booked again starting from May  15th 2024.

Timetables, costs and bus-stops have not changed from... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that, due to popular demand, this year reservations for our Mirabilandia Lines (from Bologna and from Modena) will open early! So it's possible to secure your seats for... (continues)

We inform our kind customers that from January 1st 2024 a new timetable will be active for Aerbus, with the existing bus stop... (continues)

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