We inform our customers that, because of an extraordinary event in Modena, the circulation of traffic in the city will be modified from June 30th to July 2nd, causing the following SACA Lines' alterations.
Aerbus Modena
Friday June 30th
- One way (from Modena to Bologna) active until 7.15PM
- One way (from Bologna to Modena) active until 8.30PM
Saturday July 1st
- Rountrip suppressed for ALL the day
Sunday July 2nd
- One way (from Modena to Bologna) active from 3.15PM
- One way (from Bologna to Modena) active from 4.15PM
Modena - Gatteo Mare & Modena - Mirabilandia
Saturday July 1st and sunday July 2nd
- One way and roundtrip suppressed for ALL the day
Carpi - Gatteo Mare & Carpi - Mirabilandia
Saturday July 1st and sunday July 2nd
- The following bus stops will be suppressed fo ALL the day: Ganaceto,
Lesignana, Modena Autostazione, Modena Kosica, Modena Garibaldi, Modena
Via Emilia
Unfortunately every change is out of our control, and can be modified again in the next days